Baby Evie | Newborn at Home

What a BEAUTIFUL baby little Evie is. This scrummy little munchkin was 11 days old when I photographed her and she was so good for me, sleeping almost all the time, only waking up for a couple of shots right at the end.

Now here’s a bit about the newborn photography I offer.

Newborn at home photoshoots include up to 2 hours of relaxed photography in your own home, with various different print/frame/canvas package options included.

I like to use natural window light for these shots so I try position babies near a window on a table, I bring my own comfy underneath layers and a small selection of top blankets but can also incorporate your baby’s special blankets or toys in the shots. I like to take newborn shots within the first 15 days but the earlier the photoshoot the curlier the baby so get in quick if you want those adorable soft curled up baby shots!

If you are pregnant or have just had a baby and are interested in booking a photoshoot, drop me an email through the website or phone 023 92 985386 to chat through booking a photoshoot or letting me know your due date.